Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Introduction to Swift - the latest programming language from Apple

So Apple stunned all the developers around the globe by introducing new language instead of new iPhones, iPhones or iWatches. Let's see what exactly is the Swift.

Apple says the following about the release of Swift:

"Swift is a powerful new programming language for iOS and OS X® that makes it easier than ever for developers to create incredible apps. Designed for Cocoa® and Cocoa Touch®, Swift combines the performance and efficiency of compiled languages with the simplicity and interactivity of popular scripting languages. By design, Swift helps developers write safer and more reliable code by eliminating entire categories of common programming errors, and coexists with Objective-C® code, so developers can easily integrate Swift into their existing apps. Xcode® Playgrounds make writing Swift code incredibly interactive by instantly displaying the output of Swift code."

Swift code can live right besides C and Objective-C code in the same app. The syntax is quite similar to JavaScript. Here are some of the features of it.

  • Closures (similar to blocks in C and Objective-C) unified with function pointers
  • Tuples and multiple return values
  • Generics
  • Fast and concise iteration over a range or collection
  • Structs that support methods, extensions, protocols.
  • Functional programming patterns, e.g.: map and filter

Here is the first lesson of Swift. How to define a variable and a constant. Constants and variables must be defined before they are used. You can define constants with let keyword and variable with var keyword. For example

let maximumLoginAttemptsAllowed = 10
var currentLoginAttempt = 0

So here is a constant maximumLoginAttemptsAllowed which has a value 10 and a variable currentLoginAttempt which has value 0. 

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